Have you ever been uncomfortable? I mean really uncomfortable, like when you're in the car in rush hour traffic and you feel like your bladder should have burst ten minutes ago. Or when the indigestion from the third helping you had kicks in before the pepto bismal you downed. Pregnant women go through these and more symptoms, but they couldn't be happier. I'm sure they would rather go without the constipation, vomiting, swollen extremities, leg cramps, backaches, and insomnia, but it's the delivery day that keeps them from losing it on those sleepless nights. They know that their pain is preparation for the new life that they'll soon bring into the world. But what if the baby never came?
Over the past couple of weeks I've observed that most people in the world are like expecting mothers who never deliver. We each have a special vision inside of us that we were born with, our purpose and passion. We go through trials and tribulations, like the pregnant woman's discomforts, because we too have something inside of us that is not meant to be there permanently, something that is meant to come into the world.
So what happens when we ignore the baby (our vision, passion and purpose)? We decide that it is too big for us to birth alone, or not big enough, so we don't allow it entry into the world.
What happens when we lose the courage to deliver the baby because we are afraid or too lazy to raise it once we actually birth it into the world?
What happens when we don't take the time to notice that we have a baby of our own and we spend our whole lives nursing and growing a vision that was meant for someone else?
Well, you get the world that we live in now. Full of lack and poverty, more problems than solutions, and a whole lot of visions that are way past due.
What makes your baby leap? Find out what it is that you're passionate about, what it is that you'd do if you never got paid and never got credit. If you have discovered your purpose in life, stay strong, and have the courage to endure the pregnancy pains until it is time for your vision to be released. If you're one of those people who is way past due, find the courage to deliver that vision. You owe it to your Creator, to yourself, and to the world around you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and PUSH!