Friday, July 27, 2007


Opposites attract. Yin needs yang. Even when it comes to sex, it’s all about the birds and the bees. Everything that we learn about relationships, the joining of two beings under some common clause, revolves around the central concept of one being complementing another. Momma n’em may not have explained it in the best way, but they knew what they were talking about. In all of my genuine love journeys with God’s children I’ve found that I am drawn to something in the other soul that I lack in my own.

Of course there’s my most recent “love” interest (now history) who has such a no non-sense attitude about life that he handles everything like Lebron James shoots three pointers. It’s done with such finesse, such precision, such soul; you can’t help but be turned on and awe-inspired all at the same time. This man doesn’t live life, he executes it. So far from my more emotional approach to things. Even my mother, who’s intellect is so brilliant that she can analyze a complex situation in a matter of minutes, has a mind that operates almost exactly contradictory to my own. My Aunt Rosalind who I know is my very own God sent angel, has such a compassionate spirit that she loves with more than her heart. She loves with her mind and with her work and even her hair. Her beautiful braids, the results of an 18-hour production process, are her choice, not because she wants to be included in some trend, but because she wants to express her love and dedication to the people she represents. Yes, hers are truly locks of love. Such compassion, ebbed into the very essence, is something I know I don’t have, for sure.

When I went to college the script was flipped. In one of my most important relationships, I found myself the leading lady. My friend was the one inspired, motivated, awe-struck. I have so much that she seems to lack. Soon this dear friendship grew into something that began to change me. My friend was panting for love, acceptance, validation…all the things important in life. In her desperation she made decisions that required me to love and give in a way that I was not used to. There were days when I gave all of my positive energy to her, and she left her negative energy in its place. I was exhausted. I couldn’t understand why someone so precious would make such destructive decisions over and over again. And by the end of my first year of college, I’d had enough.

Recently this friendship took a very interesting turn and I gave up on it. It was this rough time that caused me to re-examine the situation. Was this relationship as one-sided as I thought? Perhaps there was apart of me that needed to be needed, just as much as my friend needed someone to depend on. If this is the case, she was my savior, just as much as I was her’s. Regardless of the specifics, there was give and take. And so I know that even though this hasn't been an easy friendship, it is not one-sided.

Is there someone in your life that you can’t figure out why God placed there? Maybe you have a relative who depends on you for everything. Remember that every relationship, every person, has its purpose. Be encouraged in your well doing. Stand by your friend, your relative, your spouse. And love them through whatever it is that’s hindering them. Even God created man, so that He could be in relationship with him. God does most of the work. He created us in His image, and if that weren’t enough, He wakes us up every morning and shows us new mercies. But the beauty of the relationship is when we, His children, as lacking as we are, worship Him in spirit and truth.

At this point I’m not sure whether or not this story has a happy ending. I haven’t patched things up with my friend, but I have begun to deal with my anger towards her. I cannot curse that which God has ordained. I know my friend has great potential and I hope that one day she realizes how priceless she is and never forgets it. Until then, I can’t give up. After all, God hasn’t given up on me.


Anonymous said...

Timeka, I just wanted to say thank you. I hope you don't mind me reading this but wow. It was definitely what i needed. I am going through a friendship situation at this very moment and i am lost and ready to give up the friendship, just to throw in the towel. I'm not sure that I can be what this person wants me to be, or on this persons level. Now though after reading this I know that God will guide me through and lead me to make the right decisions and say the right things to this person. God hasn't given up on me and I hope he never will, and knowing that, I can not give up on this person. Thank You again, this could not have come at a better time.

Shavon S. Greene said...

I can relate to many of things you wrote in this post. It's great because I can apply them to other situations I'm in right now. This was very timely and inspirational. Go, Girl!

ladawndenise said...

yes! YES! and YESSSS!!!!!
i love it! and i love it more. great job you said everything that was on my mind.

Anonymous said...

'I hope that one day she realizes how priceless she is.' Definitely. Everyone can say what they want, but everything will be done on her own time. But perhaps you shouldn`t treat chica as a pity-case ... who knows, maybe she already started her growth process. All in all.. interesting blog.