Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Best Thing

The best thing since sliced bread. Like any other American, I’ve heard that phrase my entire life, but never took the time to think about what it really means, until recently. What could possibly be so good about sliced bread, that the very concept of it claims its own national idiom? Would it kill us to actually have to use that marvelous tool, called a knife, and cut our bread into slices ourselves. I know that recently we have crossed over into an all new level of laziness in this country, to the point where we even want our cars to drive themselves. But even the self-parking Lexus has its clear advantages. For one thing, most people, me included, can barely parallel park. But anyone can slice bread. So where’s the advantage there?

The fact is, the hoopla isn’t about the bread; it’s about everything else. We like the fact that someone has taken the time to do something so menial for us. It makes us feel important, special. Not to mention, it makes life easier. Could you imagine how much longer it would take for us to get out the door in the morning if we had to slice our bread, toast it, and butter it? A quick P&J sandwich would no longer be quick. Of course we’re fully capable of slicing our bread but isn’t it great that we don’t have to risk cutting ourselves or making an imperfect slice because it’s already done for us?

It’s no wonder they say good men are the best thing since sliced bread. They bring something to the table that cannot be replaced. It’s not so much what they do, as it is the fact that they do it, and do it cheerfully. When my dad pays my tuition and my car note, when my little brother pumps my gas, when my date opens the door for me and carries my shopping bags and picks up the tab at the end of the day, that’s the best. It makes me feel treasured, protected; and it makes life so much easier.

Don’t think for a minute that I’m undermining the power of a sister. Sure we can pay our own bills, kill the spiders under our beds, feed our own purse and shoe addictions, change our own flat tires, sport our own bling, pump our own gas, open up our own doors, even satisfy our own healthy sensual appetites (as quiet as it’s kept). But it’s just so much better when God sends us someone who wants to do all of those things for us, and enjoys every minute of it. It’s the greatest. It’s…the best thing since sliced bread.

Here’s to all the men taking care of home. Any man who knows how to treat the women in his life like queens, is definitely a king. You are loved and greatly appreciated.


Shavon S. Greene said...

I like how you took something so simple and out-of-the box to make a strong point. This is a great dedication to men and others who make simple, very important things in our lives more enjoyable. So, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love this one too. I am in total agreement with how we as women even though we are independent and successful, would love to have that one who does those special things for you just because. Its great how you give props to those men that do it, because it is very few of them out there. Keep Writing Meka....I love it! You're so real with it.

ladawndenise said...

If and only if i had a great table with an amazing loaf of bread .... thats sliced....
this reminds me on how we mUST TALK! now.
keep writing your great

Anonymous said...

...Wow. I wasn't expecting something of this magnitude. I felt like I was reading one of Carrie's nightly entries. This is great and should definitely be useful in the future!

Anonymous said...

all i have to say is amen to that gurl. Love the blog keep writing

Anonymous said...

I will never look at a slice of bread the same! I mean, I never thought to make such a comparison. & half the time, we take those little things for granted that these men do [or the pre-sliced bread]...but now THoSE men that like to do will get a well-deserved THANK YOU.