Okay, so this one is about a month old, but it was just sitting here on my computer, and I decided to finish it and publish it anyways
Ever known a guy who could LITERALLY talk his way out of anything? My freshman year in college I met an NYC boy in an early morning international relations class that I swore was the epitome of swag. After attending a couple class sessions, he decided his time at 8:25a.m. would be better spent in bed. He skipped the class, but met me at the door every morning to walk me to my next class and keep me company (We almost got the same grade by the way. I earned an A, but felt gypped). Every conversation we’ve ever had has tickled me in one way or another.
A week ago we’re talking and he brings up relationships. Since I was assigned to work in the relationships section at ESSENCE, I’ve jumped head first into a world of human interaction I never thought could be so deep. I love picking peoples brains to see what they really think. My convo with Young Swag went a little something like this:
Young Swag: So what are you looking for these days anyway?
Me: I’m still looking for a good time, but I want something more permanent.
Young Swag: Well you’re in the wrong city then.
Me: Huh?
Young Swag: This is New York. Chicks get put on hold in the summa time.
Me: What? I know too many happy couple in the city to believe that.
Young Swag: Naw, I’m serious. Girls do it to. People who were booed ain’t tryna
be tied down in the summa. That’s how it is here. If you don’t like it, get out now.
Me: Hmmm, well thanks for the advice, I guess.
Did he actually know what he was talking about? Do most young NYC couples call it quits once the heat turns up? But summer time can be so romantic in NYC, hello, Central Park. And is any relationship that requires a 90-day break worth being in for the other months of the year anyways? Is this whole summer break thing something that happens in places besides New York?
Somebody tell me what’s going on…